Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hot Potatoe

So my daughter is in the indian giving phase? Now is that a refferance to the native americans or the natives  of inda? Not so sure. She basically hands you somthing but 100% expects to get it handed right back and she wants to repeat this action until her need to indian give is satisfied

My son is now in the I see you mommy so you better not leave my side phase. He wants to be in my arms or looking at me 24/7 and cries if I walk away. I am getting nervous he will get just as bad as my daughter was about always needing to sleep in bed with mommy and daddy. Unfortunately until we move hes in an in the bed sleeper.

My husband is adorable. He got his gorgeous long hair cut very short and shaved off his beard. He looks amazing I am so happy he did this!!! And believe it or not hes decided to keep up with the look he feels more professional. 
My goals: I am reading every day. I am writing at least my blogs seeing as my goal has changed a bit. I have been hand sewing new clothes out of pregnancy and skinny clothes seeing as I am stuck at that annoying in between size. I can't wait to get together the money for a sewing machine, even more excited to move somewhere where I have the space to set up a nice work station for my writing and arts and crafts. I am still working on finding the right place, we thought we had it but turns out it wasn't exactly what we wanted once we went to see it. Any suggestions? I have tried craigslist, the treasure hunt, the local newspapers... I heard of the locators but its 200 dollars, is it worth it?


  1. Hello, I am so appreciating my tween and teen right now. I am babysitting a 19 mth. old. It has been a long time! My kids are pretty self sufficient as far as getting things for themselves and letting me know what they want and how they feel. I am very blessed with well behaved loving kids. Back to the terrible 2 stage is a smack in the head. He is adorable but a hand full, very spirited. My sons girlfriend's babysitter quit so I am filling in temporarily (not sure the mom is understanding this), for free. I also watch her 7 yr. old in am and after school. It would be great if I had a stroller and the weather wasn't so cold, fresh air would be wonderful for both of us. I am so glad you are enjoying your little ones. I hope you have a good weekend:) Jodi

  2. Kids are the best! My sweetie just got a makeover too and he looks amazing.
