Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If I had a roll of quarters...

Today on my journey to gray hair...

I still have yet to open my grammar book, but it is out on the  table in a basket I put together.. 
In this basket 1. Two 3 ring binders 2. 4 differently colored highlighters 3. 2 pens 4. a set of colored pencils 5. a composition note book 6. a 70 page note book 7. a glue stick 8. skull candy headphones 9. a set of patterned computer paper 10. a construction paper pad 11. a grammar book (small) 12. a stapler. So that is my first step I gathered some supplies to work on a project.

So the mini goal I am setting is this week I would like to work on writing a paragraph. Just one paragraph. I will write it, and edit it, then I will use that paragraph to inspire me to create something else out of it that can go in my three ring binder. Today I feel accomplished because I was able to make this decision and I was able to gather supplies to work on it.

 Today has been a relaxing day with my daughter, we hung out in our pajamas and had a warm and cozy movie day. I popped in some old vhs movies and she loved it! We also were learning where our bellies are. Then tonight we danced. We are making dinner for Daddy tonight, so that will be an adventure (I should make a mental note to get her a play chefs hat) 

House work was at a minimal today to make more room for play time :P I folded laundry and thats about it lol. Tomorrow I am going to focus on the hallway and bathroom. I figure one room a day and a day as a break in between should make me alot less anxious. So far it actually is helping. I feel alot more relaxed, and The house didnt turn into a hurricane mess just because I didnt try to get a million things done in a day. My hubby will be happy to see I just hung out today lol. 

Well this has been my day on the journey to gray hair, and once again it has been a positive one! 

Here's a thought... If you had a 5 dollar roll of quarters what would you do with it?
I would update my dishes (my daughter likes the 50 cent princess stickers on the tuperwear)
I would drive a race car with the lil one ( 1.00 ride at the mall)
I would split a frozen yogurt with her (2.50 for a small)
and I would sneak the rest back in Daddys wallet for another day


  1. I would take my kids to the dollar store,(they love that place) so they could each buy two things and i would buy my hubby his favorite candy. I'm sure I have loose change at the bottom of my purse for the tax, since it always misses my change purse. dollar

  2. So sweet :) I am a huge fan of the dollar store.
